The special sale will offer discounts of up to 70% and will be online, through the firm's website www.silvia-navarro.com, clicking on the 'Solidarity sale' section and also in the firm's seven national boutiques.
The fashion brand Silvia Navarro has launched a 'Special Solidarity Sale to benefit ASTRAPACE ', Association for the Treatment of People with Cerebral Palsy and Related Pathologies of the Region of Murcia, to raise awareness about the importance of helping institutions and associations that are dedicated to mental health issues.
To present this initiative, a press breakfast was held, attended by the general director of People with Disabilities, Miriam Pérez Albaladejo, the national representative for the Region of Murcia, Violante Tomás, the president of ASTRAPACE , Rosa García Iniesta and the designer and Murcian businesswoman Silvia Navarro Murcia. They have been accompanied by users of the ASTRAPACE center.
Silvia Navarro , in statements to the media, has highlighted her firm's commitment to society "Silvia Navarro is the firm of happy moments, but, in addition, we are very sensitive to the needs of those who need support and help, we believe that “True beauty is not just about being beautifully dressed but about doing good to others and we lead by example.” The firm organizes its traditional Solidarity Sale which this year, for the first time, will be for charitable purposes and 30% of its total results will be donated to ASTRAPACE with the aim of helping young people and adults in Murcia who have intellectual disabilities. or other pathologies.
The sale represents a unique opportunity to acquire one of the firm's characteristic guest dresses, with highly crafted patterns made following techniques similar to haute couture, at a symbolic price given that the firm puts them on sale with discounts that reach 70% in many cases.
For her part, Miriam Pérez, general director of People with Disabilities, assured “it is very important to give visibility to the needs of people who need both the regional government and companies to support the associations, institutions and NGOs that help these groups. , that we all row in the same direction is vital. Silvia Navarro is a national and international firm that is very aware and has great prestige that also boasts Murcia. "We are going to do many things together and with various associations."
Rosa García, president of ASTRAPACE also wanted to have a few words with those present and highlighted that it is the fashion brand that has these initiatives. “ Silvia Navarro and her team call us with creative proposals to involve users and we are already thinking about how We are going to invest the amount raised. Our relationship goes back years and we are happy to know that their collaborations are not punctual, they are a great team and they are always there.”
Today, 60 unique models are on sale, dresses of all sizes and that belong to the archive, the history of the firm, the most iconic designs and all are in perfect condition so they are perfect to be worn and enjoyed at weddings, graduations, communions or other events.
The solidarity action has been proposed through the website of the commercial haute couture firm, www.silvia-navarro.com by clicking on the "Solidarity Sale" section so that as many people as they wish can access it from anywhere in Spain and the foreigner and. Furthermore, in the seven own boutiques that Silvia Navarro owns in the main commercial arteries of Murcia, Alicante, Madrid, Valencia, Granada, Málaga and Seville. In each order, clients will receive a detail made entirely by hand by the users of the ASTRAPACE center, while supplies last.
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