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Iconic, the beauty of the classics
We present to you our most important dresses, those that define us as a brand and we remember with nostalgia for the enthusiasm with which we design them and because they are full of details that totally represent us and are our hallmark. In addition, we launched them with the model we used when we started as a brand to demonstrate that the feminine beauty and craftsmanship of these magnificent pieces is timeless and class and good taste are eternal.
'Iconic' are absolutely emblematic pieces that will be the object of desire in this most special reissue, as they were when we presented them, and with which we commemorate our success and our consolidation in the panorama of party and celebration fashion as a major brand. party and ceremony.
Do you remember that 'Silvia Navarro' that you fell in love with? The one you liked so much? Now is the time to get it.