In this way, with the purchase of any of their accessories or dresses in the seven boutiques that the commercial haute couture firm has in seven Spanish cities and with sales through their website www.silvia-navarro.com they will give away pink bracelets to each of their clients and friends by joining the #ElRosaEsMásQueUnColor campaign.
Silvia Navarro insists that it is necessary for us all to become aware of the importance of taking care of ourselves. The fashion brand aims to help raise awareness about the importance of undergoing periodic check-ups and having healthy lifestyle habits because everything adds up. “Our intention is to support, help and walk together towards the same destination: increasing the survival rate in breast cancer,” they insist.
This action is framed in the CSR Policy of the company that currently collaborates with various NGOs and charitable associations to comply with the SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, set by the UN in the context of the 2030 Agenda. Highlights include ASSIDO, La Sala Family member of the Ronald McDonald Foundation of Murcia, ASTRAPACE, The Little Wish Foundation, the Spanish Association against Cancer, Parkinson Granada and other personal causes such as La Sonrisa de Elenita, Arriba Lucas and many more.
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