Frequent questions

If you request a return or change of size/model, you must do so through this platform, having 15 calendar days from receipt of your order (if your order has been placed in the Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands) and 30 calendar days (if your order has been international).

Below we detail the steps to follow if you wish to process any exchange/return of your national or international order.

How do I request a size/model change?

At Silvia Navarro you can make any size/model change. To make the change, you must follow the steps detailed here .

The deadline to request any change of size/model is 15 calendar days from receipt of your order for orders placed from the Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands.

For international orders, the deadline to request a change of size/model is extended to 30 calendar days.

What if I want to return it?

You can return any item as long as it is in perfect condition with no signs of use, within a maximum period of 15 calendar days from when you receive the item (for orders in the Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands).

To request a return and refund for your order, you must follow the steps indicated here .

How long does it take for my order to arrive?

The estimated time for receiving your order is between 6-8 business days from the formalization of your purchase.

If you need more information about this, contact us at or through our Chat.

Our party and special event designs are handcrafted with attention to detail. Therefore, you will receive your order in careful packaging along with a suit bag that guarantees its care and transport.

How can I find out the status of my order?

To check the status of your order, simply log in to your customer account and check the “My Purchases” section, where you can check the status of your order, or contact us through our chat by indicating the word “Order”.

What payment methods can I use?

You can pay by credit or debit card, through your Shopify payments account or through the Sequra installment payment method.

How can I arrange for a dress purchased online to be altered?

In the cities where we have a physical point of sale (Alicante, Valencia, Madrid, Valencia, Seville, Granada and Malaga) we have a repair shop attached to each store, directly in our stores, they can give you information about each one of them.