
Paula Echevarría brilla en los Elle Awards Style con un diseño exclusivo de Silvia Navarro

Paula Echevarría shines at the Elle Awards Styl...

The well-known actress, influencer and presenter Paula Echevarría has chosen a model by the Murcian designer Silvia Navarro to attend the great ELLE Style Awards gala organized by the magazine...

Paula Echevarría shines at the Elle Awards Styl...

The well-known actress, influencer and presenter Paula Echevarría has chosen a model by the Murcian designer Silvia Navarro to attend the great ELLE Style Awards gala organized by the magazine...

Silvia Navarro desfilará en Murcia el 1 de marzo en la Catedral

Silvia Navarro will parade in Murcia on March 1...

The renowned Murcian fashion designer Silvia Navarro; will parade in Murcia next Friday, March 1 in the afternoon and its parade will be the starting signal for the VII Edition...

Silvia Navarro will parade in Murcia on March 1...

The renowned Murcian fashion designer Silvia Navarro; will parade in Murcia next Friday, March 1 in the afternoon and its parade will be the starting signal for the VII Edition...

El mejor barroco español, escenario de Silvia Navarro para presentar su nueva propuesta para fiestas y ceremonia.

The best Spanish baroque, setting for Silvia Na...

The emblematic Plaza de la Cruz of the Cathedral of Murcia, a key monument of the Spanish Baroque dating back to the 16th century, has become a fashion catwalk for...

The best Spanish baroque, setting for Silvia Na...

The emblematic Plaza de la Cruz of the Cathedral of Murcia, a key monument of the Spanish Baroque dating back to the 16th century, has become a fashion catwalk for...

Silvia Navarro innova lanzando Dolce, una línea exclusiva destinada a mamás de comunión y bautizo

Silvia Navarro innovates by launching Dolce, an...

The renowned fashion designer Silvia Navarro begins 2024 by embarking on a new adventure: the launch of Dolce, the first party line of a fashion brand on the national scene...

Silvia Navarro innovates by launching Dolce, an...

The renowned fashion designer Silvia Navarro begins 2024 by embarking on a new adventure: the launch of Dolce, the first party line of a fashion brand on the national scene...

Silvia Navarro protagonista del mes de mayo del calendario solidario de la Asociación ASSIDO

Silvia Navarro protagonist of the month of May ...

The designer Silvia Navarro stars in the month of May of the ASSIDO calendar, a solidarity calendar that vindicates the decision-making capacity of people with intellectual disabilities under the title...

Silvia Navarro protagonist of the month of May ...

The designer Silvia Navarro stars in the month of May of the ASSIDO calendar, a solidarity calendar that vindicates the decision-making capacity of people with intellectual disabilities under the title...

Silvia Navarro aborda su navidad más especial consolidando su  Prêt-à-porter SN y con diseños exclusivos para estas fiestas.

Silvia Navarro addresses her most special Chris...

'Get excited about the details' is the slogan with which the international fashion brand contemplates the company's most special Christmas and Three Kings campaign. 'Get excited about the details' is...

Silvia Navarro addresses her most special Chris...

'Get excited about the details' is the slogan with which the international fashion brand contemplates the company's most special Christmas and Three Kings campaign. 'Get excited about the details' is...