The designer Silvia Navarro stars in the month of May of the calendar ASSIDO , a solidarity calendar that vindicates the decision-making capacity of people with intellectual disabilities under the title 'I am unique and capable, I decide!'. Quite a declaration of intentions in the motto that appears on the cover of the ASSIDO solidarity calendar for 2024 and that will be the leitmotiv that will accompany the association's actions throughout the year.
The photo session with the designer Silvia Navarro It took place in the Murcia store, located very close to the popular Romea Theater and was attended by two models from the association, María José, and baby Loreto. Both had the opportunity to spend a very fun afternoon between dresses and accessories accompanied by the staff of the store in this city.
It is a calendar created so that month by month we rethink the role of people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities in society. If the demand of the 2023 association was that we have to see normally that all people are different, in 2024 it will focus on the fact that we are all unique and capable and have the power to decide what to do with our lives.
The proceeds from the solidarity calendar will be allocated to different projects of the association during 2024. People interested in getting the solidarity calendar can do so at the ASSIDO centers in Plaza Bohemia and Casillas, at the El Corte Inglés stationery store on Gran Vía in Murcia or through the more than 500 families of the association.
ASSIDO is a non-profit organization that since 1981 has been dedicated, in the Region of Murcia, to the treatment, support, care, training and inclusion of people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities from birth and throughout all stages of their life. life.
The main objective of the association is to improve the quality of life of our users and their families.
The calendar is financed by the Gmp Foundation and the photographs that illustrate it are taken by Rubén Juan Serna, a well-known regional photographer.
This solidarity action is framed in the CSR Policy of the Silvia Navarro which currently collaborates with various NGOs and charitable associations to comply with the SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, set by the UN in the context of the 2030 Agenda. Highlights, together with ASSIDO , are the Family Room of the Ronald McDonald Foundation of Murcia, ASTRAPACE, The Little Wish Foundation, the Spanish Association against Cancer, Parkinson Granada and other personal causes such as La Sonrisa de Elenita, Arriba Lucas and many more.
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