Young people with cerebral palsy and other pathologies enjoyed creating their own designs by doing crafts and drawing.
The Murcian fashion brand Silvia Navarro has developed a Fashion Design, Color Theory and crafts Day with ASTRAPACE. The day took place at the Day Care Center that the association has in Zarandona and twenty people between 20 and 35 years old participated and had a great time throughout the morning.
The CEO of the company, Silvia Navarro , wanted to give the day to personally meet the center's users and observe their multiple talents for combining colors and proposing party designs. Under the 'Floral' theme, everyone had a very fun day doing crafts on mannequins, experimenting with various types of fabrics and textures.
ASTRAPACE , Association for the Treatment of People with Cerebral Palsy and Related Pathologies, is an association that serves people with these pathologies, fighting to improve the quality of life of these people and their families, promoting the full development of their individual, social and promoting actions and services that favor their inclusion in a more just and egalitarian society.
This action, which has been carried out thanks to the collaboration of the Department of Associative Dynamization of ASTRAPACE, is complemented by a donation and is part of the CSR policy, Corporate Social Responsibility of the fashion company. It joins many others such as those carried out with Down Alicante, the Little Deseo Foundation and other NGOs and private causes.
Silvia Navarro 's collaboration with Astrapace dates back to 2019 and to date there have been collaborations, conferences and solidarity sales and they have all enjoyed great reception and acceptance.
With this action, Silvia Navarro celebrates up to five SDGs of the UN Agenda 2030 : number 3, Health and Well-being, number 4, Quality Education, number 8, Decent work and economic growth, number 10, Reduction of inequalities by supporting to marginalized and/or needy people and 17, Alliances for the Goals.
About the firm:
Silvia Navarro is a haute couture-commercial fashion brand, created as a result of the success of Silvia Navarro, its CEO, as a creator of trends and content on social networks.
The fashion company has seven stores in Spain and a staff of close to forty people. In addition, it is strengthening its international presence and currently exports to Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Canada, France, Guatemala, Israel, Italy, Mexico and Panama.
The hallmark of the firm is the quality of the fabrics, all very exclusive, the perfection of the finishes and the fact that it innovates with new designs every month. The dresses are designed and made in Spain, betting on local and local production to favor the national industry, promote the creation of quality jobs and avoid pollution derived from unnecessary transportation.
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